veteran, Military & First Responders exclusive facility | proud va community care network (ccn) provider


Legacy Village is a residential, 24-hour program for Veterans, First Responders & Military only, who struggle with substance use disorder (addiction) and other co-occurring conditions, such as PTSD, Anxiety or Depression.  The Legacy Village “Back-2-Basics” curriculum provides guided, supervised treatment to help Veterans overcome their condition and make dramatic, lasting improvements to their lives, their families, and their wellbeing. 

Legacy Village is a Community Care Network provider and accepts referrals from the Veterans Administration for those eligible for VA healthcare.  Veterans who are not eligible for VA healthcare should contact Legacy Village, as other options may be available.  Legacy Village is a Veterans, First Responder & Military exclusive facility.


  • It is our mission to save lives, promote wellness, and encourage those with addiction related and dual diagnosis conditions to live a productive and healthy life.  
  • It is our mission to promote the acceptance of responsibility, the willingness to make necessary changes and the embracement of wellness and recovery principles.  
  • It is our mission to give our clients the tools, resources, and encouragement to make healthy lifestyle choices. 
  • It is our mission to improve the physical, emotional, spiritual, and family health of our clients. 


  • It is our commitment to provide confidential, compassionate, and competent help in the clients wellness and recovery journey. 
  • It is our commitment to provide honest, open communication and assessment to the best of our professional ability. 
  • It is our commitment to provide each client with tools, resources, and encouragement to embrace their wellness and recovery journey. 
  • It is our commitment to provide evidence-based, individualized care to our clients. 
  • It is our commitment to provide a safe, healing, and therapeutic environment for clients in our care.

You can reach Legacy Village at (800) 997-6977, via email at

Legacy Village provides residential, inpatient care for addiction and related disorders.  Under 24-hour supervision, therapy, counseling and recovery staff are available to help clients navigate their treatment plans.  Daily counseling, weekly therapy, group sessions, individual sessions, experiential therapies and guided curriculum are all part of the Legacy Village program.

The Legacy Village program is a structured environment, with each day scheduled to maximize the healing and therapeutic efforts being made.  While some “down time” is available to clients, it is important to restructure their personal lives by starting while enrolled in our program.  Regular wake-up times, group times and sessions are all scheduled to create a sense of order and promote healthy practices.

Legacy Village employs or contracts professionals to help guide each client through their journey to recovery.  Psychiatrist services, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselors and Recovery Advocates help each client navigate their wellness program.  While many aspects of the daily schedule are shared with fellow clients, many of the opportunities at Legacy Village are highly individualized.  The clinical team will evaluate each client to develop a program unique to their needs.

Clients interested in admission to Legacy Village can call us directly for information.  However, all admissions require a referral from the Veterans VA healthcare provider.  Veterans seeking help should ask their VA provider about admission to Legacy Village and should be proactive in making the request to access our services.

First Responders visit our admissions page here to learn about the process.

The Legacy Village program can range from 30-90 days, and this determination will be made after initial assessments are completed and the treatment team, and client have discussed the options. 

There are no costs to Veterans at Legacy Village.  Those referred to our program by a VA healthcare provider are covered 100%.  Veterans never receive a bill for services.

First Responders visit our admissions page here to learn about the process.



The national average of success, determined by those who remain sober/clean at the 1-year mark, is 20%.  We believe this number is devastating.  Legacy Village finished has averaged 65% success rates for the previous two years, and our goals is to increase that number to 80%.  Success in each person’s journey to recovery is determined not only by the individual work being done, but by the clients willingness to take direction and stay connected after discharge.  Those who remain connected to the free, available services Legacy Village offers after discharge, have maintained a 90% success rate.

Wellness is the state of being healthy, centered, and comfortable with the steps you are taking in your personal journey.  Recovery is the sustained, continual absence of mind-altering substances.

Legacy Village employs and contracts with a variety of specialty staff, from our Psychiatrist who reviews medical charts, our Nurse Practitioner who reviews meditations and other medical issues, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Clinical Social Workers who both help guide Veterans through their recovery from addiction and other co-occurring disorder, and our Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselors who work specifically on addiction related concerns.  Other specialists include recreational therapists and facilitators, yoga and meditation instructions and a variety of team members with special input on recovery and wellness.

Legacy Village is located along the central coast of California but accepts referrals and provides transportation to Veterans in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas.

Visiting hours for in-person visits occur each Sunday, from 12pm – 5pm.  Virtual visiting is allowed with approval from the clients counselor and scheduled as needed, and in agreement with the daily schedule. 

Legacy Village receives referrals directly from the Veterans Affairs provider who is responsible for referring the Veteran to our program.  There is never any cost to the Veteran.


Dennis S. Farmer founded Legacy Village on August 11, 2015, after his own recovery journey from alcoholism. Discouraged by an industry that seemed to have a “one-size-fits-all” approach, he wanted to create a program based heavily on individual needs and care.

First open to the public, Legacy Village established itself as a place where the team truly engaged with each client at a personal level. Therapists, counselors, and advocates spent countless one-on-one hours with our clients. We listened, and ourselves learned, how to best approach the unique journey of recovery. This personal approach quickly led to a higher-than-average success rate, and Legacy Village began building a network of recovered individuals who were now positive and successful in their new life.


Several years after the founding, we met Vietnam Veteran Robert “Bobby” Robison. Bobby, as we all came to know him, had spent many decades mired in addiction and homelessness. He had been to a dozen treatment programs and had left or spoke badly of each one. Bobby came to us through his life-long connection to one our recovery advocates. Just days before he had gone for help at a Veterans Administration facility and, through a series of unfortunate circumstances found himself alone, and homeless once more. He was frustrated, angry and in poor health. He was also tired, the kind of exhaustion that brings most of us to the point of willingness.


Bobby admitted to our program and stayed for more than 3 months. We worked through many trials, spent endless hours in consultation for services and watched him time-and-again struggle to grasp the concept of recovery. Despite the hard time, he did come to accept his need for help and to embrace a better way of living. Bobby lived the remainder of his life, more than two years after his completion at Legacy Village, in recovery. He stayed connected to our team and left a lasting impression on our collective memories.


The experience with Bobby shed light on the critical shortage of care for our Veterans within the addiction treatment world. We began to see more Veterans admit into our program and were ultimately given the opportunity to serve our Veterans exclusively. Robert “Bobby” Robinson changed our lives, and his influence can still be felt today in the program you are about to experience.

Legacy Village has a robust after-care program, from alumni services to outpatient care delivered via telehealth.  Our team works to remain connected to our clients even after they discharge. Outpatient care is provided remotely regardless of location, and various schedules are available.  In addition, our thriving alumni program offers quarterly and annual events for those who have completed the program to return and participate.

Veterans at Legacy Village enjoy private rooms and private bathrooms on our 25-acre ranch.  Two 7,000 square foot homes, and a 6,000 square foot meeting center allow ample access to space for treatment.

Legacy Village uses traditional methods of mental and behavioral healthcare, such as group and individual therapy and counseling.  However, unique to our program are the curriculum specially designed for Veterans, called Back-2-Basics, Surf Therapy, Environmental Therapy, and the daily individual sessions that are provided to each Veteran.  Programs are specifically designed for each Veteran, so no two processes look the same.  While program participants may experience many shared approaches, no two approaches are the same.

Legacy Village provides supervised transportation to, and from the facility for intake and after discharge at no cost to the client.

Legacy Village is within 10 minutes of two major hospitals and numerous urgent care facilities.  Should a medical emergency arise our trained team members will immediately seek medical care from the appropriate location.

Legacy Village is a dual diagnosis facility, meaning in addition to treating substance use disorder (addiction) we treat other underlying or co-occurring conditions such as PTSD, Anxiety and Depression.

Veterans seeking admission to Legacy Village must be proactive!  Veterans should seek a referral from their primary VA healthcare provider, and they must ask for a referral to Legacy Village.  Veterans should know their rights towards access to healthcare and the Community Care Network, of which Legacy Village is a proud provider.

First Responders visit our admissions page here to learn about the process.

Certain limitations may exist, however, each client should speak with a Legacy Village team member to discuss individual circumstances.

Legacy Village partners with numerous organizations that provided education and vocational training.  One important part of the program for clients is to connect them with these services while they are completing the program.  Our clients Experience Office works to connect clients with housing, employment, training, and educational services before they discharge.

Relapse is part of recovery, although it doesn’t have to be, it is not uncommon.  We encourage any client who has completed the program and experienced a relapse to contact us immediately.  There is no shame in seeking additional help, and you can save yourself from weeks, months or years of misery and risk your help by reaching out as soon as possible.

The overall staff-to-client ratio at Legacy Village is 3 Staff to 1 Veteran.

Legacy Village works with Veterans who have a disability.  Each case is reviewed to determine what accommodations should be made.


The Legacy Village philosophy of wellness and recovery guides our approach to addiction treatment and the treatment of co-occurring disorders.

  • We believe the first step towards a solution is admitting there is a problem.
  • We believe it is critical to identify root causes, family history, trauma, and personal history.
  • We believe part of creating a solution is to assess each client using proven assessment

tools, and to include the key areas of Physical, Emotional, Spiritual and Family Health.

  • We believe the identification and assessment process will allow us to proceed in developing

a master treatment plan that accurately reflects the clients core needs and exposes the

critical areas of concern.

  • We believe that intensive cooperation and involvement of the clients in the development of a personalized master treatment plan is non-negotiable.
  • We believe that acceptance, willingness, and active participation are critical to a clients

success – this participation is also non-negotiable.

  • We believe the maintenance of your Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual health is vital to

lasting recovery and wellness.

The Legacy Village program is intentionally designed to restructure a clients lifestyle, priorities, and commitments to comport with wellness and recovery from addiction and other dual diagnosis conditions. We aim to promote healthy choices, healthy daily living and role model the tools required to be successful in this journey.

Legacy Village provides multiple methods, therapeutic models and educational opportunities that allow each client to choose achievable and sustainable ways to maintain sobriety. These

approaches also allow for the individual to choose which method will best support ongoing and

continued maintenance of mental health concerns. Legacy Village provides support beyond the

Client, to include family members or loved ones who will be critical in aftercare and long-term support.

Clients are given access to a multidisciplinary team of professionals to help them navigate their wellness and recovery journey. In agreement with our mission and our philosophy, the tools, resources, and treatments provided are all geared to support the overall health of the client. Successful completion of the Legacy Village program is determined by noted improvement in the areas of assessment done during the initial intake. While some standardized measurements are used, in most areas and in all cases the determination of a successful completion is made on a case-by-case basis by consensus of the clinical team.

Legacy Village provides treatment for PTSD, and uses multiple approaches and methods. Clients interested in admission who have questions about PTSD treatment can speak directly with one of our trained therapists prior to making any decision about admission.

Legacy Village provides treatment for PTSD, and uses multiple approaches and methods.  Clients interested in admission who have questions about PTSD treatment can speak directly with one of our trained therapists prior to making any decision about admission.

Legacy Village accepts both male and female clients, and several of our therapists are trained specifically in female client care.

There is no age restriction for admission to Legacy Village.

Legacy Village takes the privacy of our clients seriously.  No information is ever sold, distributed, or discussed outside of the Legacy Village team.  Clients are required to sign a release of information to coordinate records with the Department of Veterans Affairs.  Additionally, should clients wish to share information with loved ones, a release is also required.

Legacy Village has a full kitchen staff who prepares three meals daily, seven days per week.  In addition, amble snacks and treats are readily available at all times.

Clients with a traumatic brain injury should consult with their primary care physician at the VA, and our clinical manager to determine if limitations would prevent admission.

Clients are free to discharge prior to completion, which is considered “leaving against clinical advice.”  Legacy Village is not a “lock-down” facility.  However, we strongly encourage all clients to complete their prescribed treatment episode for the greatest chance of success in their wellness and recovery journey.

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